Sunday, February 24, 2008

Coopers Bitter - Kegging

Coopers Bitter - Kegging

The beer was ready to keg as it had reached a gravity of 1.006
which should make for a 4.6% beer.
I syphoned the beer from fermenter into my king keg
after placing 80grams of sugar dissolved in 100ml
of boiling water in the keg as priming sugars (to help carbonisation)
Moving 23 litres of liquid took quite
a while but went well.
I also placed a teaspoon of yeast slurry into the keg to aid
secondary fermentation.
Very little disturbance, i sealed the keg a happy man.
*(ominous music)*
I was then informed that an oxicleaner should be followed
by a seperate sanitiser to ensure a good environment
for the beer free from infection.
It was too late to do anything about it now, some said i might be lucky
others said that an oxicleaner could be used as a sanitiser.
With very real fears that i had just messed up my first beerkit
i knew i had to salvage something from the brewing.
Looking at the yeast slurry and thinking of the comforting ease
with which turbocider is made a plan was formed.
So the lesson is that just because something cleans it doesn't mean that it also sanitises.

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