Thursday, February 14, 2008

Turbo Cider Alpha

Turbo Cider Alpha

The first brew that i made was one called turbo cider.

Take apple juice add yeast, wait.

And then you have cider. This was an excellent introduction to brewing and the first Turbo Cider (Alpha) came out at about 5.8% tasting like a nice farmhouse cider.

So a success in the beginning leads to greater experimentation.

Below is what i have brewing, conditioning and drinking at the


Brewing - Turbo Cider, Nutrient and Bread Yeast 4ltr

Brewing - Turbo Cider, Nutrient and Youngs Super Wine Yeast 4ltr

Brewing - Coopers Bitter with Geordie Beer Enhancer

Conditioning - Fruit Frenzy 5ltr

Conditioning - Prison Style Hooch 4.5% 5ltr

Conditioning - Turbo Cider Omega 12% 10ltr

Drinking - Turbo Cider Alpha 5% 23ltr



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