Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mead and Mead Cyser

Mead and Mead Cyser
Both of these drinks had over a month in their demijohn's to clear.
Bottled them carefully and i am hoping to leave them alone for 6 months or more now.
At the time of bottling they did not taste good but i am reassured that time is what they need, that said they did taste very alcoholic.
Mead: 10.9%
Cyser: 12.3%
So they are both strong and hopefully with time they will be delicious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Adam,
I'm new into homebrewing and saw the link to your blog on Jim's Beer Kit forum.
As I'm at work I'll be coming back to read more of your posts.
In the meantime thanks for sharing.

Are you on Google Plus?