Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The State of Brew

The State of Brew

I can quite understand peoples reluctance to read an entire blog, so i thought i would summarise the adventures so far from 29/12/07 to today 22/04/08.

I would not have made it this far or had so much fun if not for the members of: http://www.jimsbeerkit.co.uk/forum/index.php

So the brews so far in order of brewdate:

1, Turbo Cider Alpha -5.7% sharp, farmhouse like cider that was overprimed.

2, Turbo Cider Omega - 12.3% overstrong and overcarbonated to begin with.

3, Prison Hooch - 4.5% instant screwdriver, acidic and tangy.

4, Fruit Frenzy - 5.1% tangy, mellow, ill defined flavours.

5, Coopers Bitter - 4.7% nice bitter, not too thin, good first kit.

6, Turbo Cider Yeast Battle: Bread Yeast - 5.1% sharp and zesty.

7, Turbo Cider Yeast Battle: Wine Yeast - 5.1% mellow and rounded

8, Turbo Cider Ale Yeast - 5.1% drinkable but with snakebite undertones.

9, Turbo Cider Alpha (Batch 2) - 6% less fizzy than first batch but nice.

10, Turbo Hybrid Cider -5.1% gorgeous, light, fizzy, moreish.

11, Turbo Cider Sugar Battle: Molasses - 8% untried. Ready.

12, Turbo Cider Sugar Battle: Demerara Sugar - 8.1% untried. Ready.

13, Geordie Bitter - 4% untried. Resting.

14, Atomic Lemon Sugar Battle: White Sugar - 8.7% untried. Resting.

15, Atomic Lemon Sugar Battle: Demerara Sugar - 10.7% untried. Resting.

16, Tomato Tang - 10.7 % untried. Laid Down.

17, Mead - 10.9% untried. Laid Down.

18, Mead Cyser - 12.3% untried. Laid Down.

19, Turbo Cider Demerara - 8.6% untried. Resting.

20, Youngs Lager - 3.4% untried. Resting.

21, Edme Irish Stout - brewing.



Anonymous said...

You've really gone mental for ths whole brewing lark, eh?


Cider Brewing said...

Looks like you are an expert on turbo cider! Which brew did you prefer?