Friday, March 21, 2008

Atomic Lemon

Atomic Lemon

Seeing similar recipe to this on i fancied having a go.

250 ml Lemon Juice

250ml Lime Juice

4 litres of Water

1kg Sugar



Not one to do things by halves, i decided to do a white sugar and a
demerara version aswell.

Boil 2 litres of water, dissolve sugar and sweeteners in it, add juices, stir in and add the rest of the water to help cool the liquid.

Then put in fermentor with some yeast.

Hoping that this will end up something like an 8% traditional lemonade.

Its another inexpensive brew to have a bash at.
The sugar will convert to alcohol and the sweetener should keep the final acidic product drinkable.

Learnt with this brew that even i only put 4.5 litres of liquid in ,the kilo of sugar had to go somewhere when it was dissolved and i ended up with more than my 5 litre fermentor (water bottle) could cope with.


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