Friday, March 21, 2008

Turbo Hybrid Cider - Kegging

Turbo Hybrid Cider - Kegging

Sanitised the King Keg and had to cut some tubing to fit to inner tap, cut to a length that should hang over the highest sediment and let me draw the cider out once it is pressurised.
(if this fails i will just have to order a proper float off the
Added a litre of apple juice as priming sugars to the keg,
syphoned the Turbo Hybrid Cider into keg.
A quick taste tells me that it is apple-y, mellow and pleasant
but at the moment it tastes a lot closer to commercial ciders
than turbo cider. Not saying thats bad, but it is a difference.
This stuff should work out at just over 5% an i am looking forward to
drinking it.
Have stuck it in the warm cupboard for a week and will then pull it out into the cold.

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