Friday, March 21, 2008

Turbo Hybrid Cider

Turbo Hybrid Cider
Turbo Cider makes for a delicious Farmhouse sort of cider
but cutting open all of those cartons can be frustrating.
Also as you make larger batched of turbo cider it ceases to be
as cost effective.
Previously a Cider Kit has been the most obvious alternative, however a clever fellow brewer (Curious Brew - take a bow) i met on a brewing forum introduced me to the idea of combining kit and Turbo cider and Turbo Hybrid Cider was born.
Take a cider kit, but instead of adding sugar, add applejuice to replace the required amount of sugar, in this case Sainsburys Apple juice has 11.2 grams of sugar per 100 mls.
So 10 litres of Apple juice provide 1120 grams of sugar, the kit recommends about 1000 grams so this should work out about the same strength. Hopefully we will gain an even more appley flavour, add water to take kit up to desired volume/gravity.
This is quicker to make up than Turbo Cider of the same volume and for me worked out as £12.80 for THC and £14.34 for TC. A price difference of £1.54 over 23 litres probably wouldn't sway me as much as the saved time. But in the end it is taste that will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just found this blog, very interested as to how this turned out (if you can remember that far back!) thanks, jacko